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Juniper JN0-664 (Service Provider, Professional (JNCIP-SP)) Certification Exam is a valuable certification for individuals who are interested in pursuing a career in service provider networking. It provides an opportunity to demonstrate expertise in a range of service provider networking technologies and gain recognition as a certified Juniper Networks professional.
Juniper JN0-664 certification exam is an excellent opportunity for service provider professionals to validate their skills and knowledge. Service Provider, Professional (JNCIP-SP) certification is highly sought after in the industry and can open up new career opportunities for certified professionals. Candidates who are preparing for JN0-664 Exam should have a strong foundation in networking fundamentals and service provider technologies.
Juniper Service Provider, Professional (JNCIP-SP) Sample Questions (Q28-Q33):
You have an L2VPN connecting two CEs across a provider network that runs OSPF. You have OSPF configured on both CEs.
Which two statements are correct in this scenario? (Choose two.)
- A. The CE and PE OSPF areas can be different.
- B. The CE and PE OSPF areas must match.
- C. OSPF neighborship is formed between the CEs and PEs.
- D. OSPF neighborship is formed between the two CEs.
Answer: A,D
In an L2VPN scenario, the provider network connects two customer edge (CE) devices across a Layer 2 virtual private network. Let's analyze how OSPF operates in this setup.
1. **OSPF Neighborship in L2VPN**:
- An L2VPN provides a Layer 2 connection between two sites, making it transparent to Layer 3 protocols like OSPF. This means the CEs can form OSPF adjacencies directly with each other as if they were on the same local network.
2. **OSPF Configuration on CEs and PEs**:
- **Statement A: OSPF neighborship is formed between the CEs and PEs**:
- Incorrect. In an L2VPN, the provider's network is transparent to the OSPF running on the CEs. OSPF neighborship forms directly between the CEs, not between the CEs and PEs.
- **Statement B: The CE and PE OSPF areas can be different**:
- Correct. Since OSPF adjacencies form directly between the CEs and not between CEs and PEs, the OSPF areas on the CEs and PEs can be different. The provider network acts as a transparent bridge, and OSPF doesn't see the PEs.
- **Statement C: The CE and PE OSPF areas must match**:
- Incorrect. As noted above, because the OSPF neighborship forms directly between the CEs, the OSPF areas on the CEs and PEs do not need to match.
- **Statement D: OSPF neighborship is formed between the two CEs**:
- Correct. The L2VPN makes the connection between the two CEs appear as a direct Layer 2 link, allowing them to form an OSPF adjacency directly.
Given the above analysis, the correct statements are:
**B. The CE and PE OSPF areas can be different.**
**D. OSPF neighborship is formed between the two CEs.**
- Juniper Networks Documentation on L2VPNs: [Configuring Layer 2 VPNs](https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/task/configuration/layer-2-vpns-configuring.html)
- OSPF Configuration Guide: [Junos OS OSPF Configuration](https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/concept/ospf-routing-overview.html)
Click the Exhibit button.
You have an EVI implemented between PE-1, PE-2, and PE-3 to allow communication between CE-1 and CE-2. CE-2 receives unicast traffic from CE-1 on both links to PE-2 and PE-3. When CE-1 sends broadcast traffic, CE-2 receives it on only one of the multihomed links.
Referring to the exhibit, which EVPN route type enables this behavior?
- A. Type 3
- B. Type 1
- C. Type 2
- D. Type 4
Answer: A
In the context of Ethernet VPN (EVPN) and the behavior described in the exhibit, it's essential to understand the different EVPN route types and their specific functionalities. Here, CE-2 is receiving unicast traffic on both of its multihomed links to PE-2 and PE-3, but broadcast traffic is received only on one of these links.
**Explanation of EVPN Route Types**:
1. **Type 1 (Ethernet Auto-Discovery Routes)**:
- These routes are used for auto-discovery of Ethernet segments and for advertising VLAN membership.
- They do not directly influence the behavior described in the question.
2. **Type 2 (MAC/IP Advertisement Routes)**:
- These routes are used to advertise MAC addresses and IP-to-MAC bindings within the EVPN.
- They handle unicast traffic forwarding and are crucial for populating the MAC address tables on the PE devices.
- While important, they do not explain the selective broadcast behavior.
3. **Type 3 (Inclusive Multicast Ethernet Tag Routes)**:
- These routes are used to build multicast distribution trees for delivering broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast (BUM) traffic.
- They ensure that BUM traffic is sent only once per Ethernet segment, preventing duplicate frames from being sent to multihomed CEs.
- This aligns with the behavior described where CE-2 receives broadcast traffic on only one link to prevent duplication.
4. **Type 4 (Ethernet Segment Routes)**:
- These routes are used to advertise the presence of an Ethernet segment and are crucial for Designated Forwarder (DF) election processes in multihoming scenarios.
- While relevant to multihoming, they are not directly responsible for the selective broadcast behavior.
The behavior described, where CE-2 receives broadcast traffic on only one of its multihomed links, is controlled by Type 3 routes. These routes are specifically designed to handle inclusive multicast and broadcast traffic efficiently in EVPN environments, ensuring that such traffic is not duplicated across multiple links to the same CE.
- Juniper Networks EVPN Documentation: [EVPN
- RFC 7432, BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN: [RFC 7432](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7432) provides detailed descriptions of EVPN route types and their functions.
- Junos OS EVPN Configuration Guide: [Junos OS EVPN Configuration
By default, which statement is correct about OSPF summary LSAs?
- A. All Type 2 and Type 7 LSAs will be summanzed into a single Type 5 LSA
- B. Type 3 LSAs are advertised for routes in Type 1 LSAs.
- C. The area-range command must be installed on all routers.
- D. The metric associated with a summary route will be equal to the lowest metric associated with an individual contributing route
Answer: B
OSPF uses different types of LSAs to describe different aspects of the network topology. Type 1 LSAs are also known as router LSAs, and they describe the links and interfaces of a router within an area. Type 3 LSAs are also known as summary LSAs, and they describe routes to networks outside an area but within the same autonomous system (AS). By default, OSPF will summarize routes from Type 1 LSAs into Type 3 LSAs when advertising them across area boundaries .
Refer to the exhibit.
Click the Exhibit hutton.
You are configuring an interprovider Option C Layer 3 VPN to connect two customer sites.
Referring to the exhibit, which three statements are correct? (Choose three.)
- A. PE routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS, the loopback address from the other AS PEs, and the L3VPN routes.
- B. ASBR routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS and the loopback addresses from the other AS PEs.
- C. ASBR routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS, the loopback address from the other AS PEs, and the L3VPN routes.
- D. P routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS and the loopback address from the other AS PEs.
- E. P routers only maintain the internal routes from their own AS.
Answer: A,B,E
Interprovider Option C for Layer 3 VPNs involves the use of Autonomous System Boundary Routers (ASBRs) to exchange labeled VPN-IPv4 routes between different Autonomous Systems (AS). This option requires BGP sessions between ASBRs, and the VPN routes are carried end-to-end using MPLS labels. Here's a detailed analysis of the roles of different routers in this scenario:
1. **ASBR Routers**:
- ASBRs are responsible for exchanging VPN-IPv4 routes between different ASes.
- **A. ASBR routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS and the loopback addresses from the other AS PEs.**
- Correct. ASBRs maintain routes to internal destinations within their own AS, and they also need to know the loopback addresses of PEs in the other AS to set up the BGP sessions and MPLS tunnels.
2. **PE Routers**:
- PE routers are responsible for maintaining VPN routes and label information to forward VPN traffic correctly.
- **B. PE routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS, the loopback address from the other AS PEs, and the L3VPN routes.**
- Correct. PE routers need to maintain:
- Internal routes within their AS for routing.
- Loopback addresses of other AS PEs for establishing MPLS LSPs.
- L3VPN routes to provide end-to-end VPN connectivity.
3. **P Routers**:
- P routers are the core routers that do not participate in BGP VPN routing but forward labeled packets based on MPLS labels.
- **C. P routers only maintain the internal routes from their own AS.**
- Correct. P routers maintain the internal routing information to forward packets within the AS and use MPLS labels for forwarding VPN packets. They do not maintain VPN routes or routes from other ASes.
4. **Incorrect Statements**:
- **D. P routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS and the loopback address from the other AS PEs.**
- Incorrect. P routers do not need to maintain the loopback addresses of other AS PEs. They only maintain internal routing and MPLS label information.
- **E. ASBR routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS, the loopback address from the other AS PEs, and the L3VPN routes.**
- Incorrect. ASBR routers do not maintain L3VPN routes. They exchange labeled VPN-IPv4 routes with other ASBRs and forward them to PE routers.
The correct answers are:
**A. ASBR routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS and the loopback addresses from the other AS PEs.**
**B. PE routers maintain the internal routes from its own AS, the loopback address from the other AS PEs, and the L3VPN routes.**
**C. P routers only maintain the internal routes from their own AS.**
- Juniper Networks Documentation on Interprovider VPNs: [Interprovider VPN Configuration](https://www.juniper.net/documentation/en_US/junos/topics/topic-map/mpls-vpn-interprovider.html)
- MPLS and VPN Architectures, CCIP Edition by Ivan Pepelnjak and Jim Guichard
You want to use both links between R1 and R2 Because of the bandwidth difference between the two links, you must ensure that the links are used as much as possible.
Which action will accomplish this goal?
- A. Ensure that the metric-out parameter on the Gigabit Ethernet interface is higher than the 10 Gigibit Ethernet interface.
- B. Define a policy to tag routes with the appropriate bandwidth community.
- C. Enable per-prefix load balancing.
- D. Disable multipath.
Answer: C
VPLS is a Layer 2 VPN technology that allows multiple sites to connect over a shared IP/MPLS network as if they were on the same LAN. VPLS tunnels can be signaled using either Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) or Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). In this question, we have two links between R1 and R2 with different bandwidths (10 Gbps and 1 Gbps). We want to use both links as much as possible for VPLS traffic. To achieve this, we need to enable per-prefix load balancing on both routers. Per-prefix load balancing is a feature that allows a router to distribute traffic across multiple equal-cost or unequal-cost paths based on the destination prefix of each packet. This improves the utilization of multiple links and provides better load sharing than per-flow load balancing, which distributes traffic based on a hash of source and destination addresses4. Per-prefix load balancing can be enabled globally or per interface using the load-balance per-packet command.
The objective of JN0-664 is to assist candidates in preparing for the Service Provider, Professional (JNCIP-SP) (JN0-664) certification test by equipping them with the actual Juniper JN0-664 questions PDF and JN0-664 practice exams to attempt the prepare for your JN0-664 Exam successfully. The Service Provider, Professional (JNCIP-SP) (JN0-664) practice material comes in three formats, desktop JN0-664 practice test software, web-based JN0-664 practice exam, and JN0-664 Dumps PDF that cover all exam topics.
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